Vitality & Wellness Dietary Supplements

For men 30 and older who wish to live life to its fullest, we developed our Vitality & Wellness supplement. As we age, our bodies may require supplementation for optimal nutritional health. This specially formulated supplement is a powerhouse of 17 essential vitamins, minerals and herbs that, in perfectly balanced synergy, help enhance vitality and cognitive functions, relieve stress and tension, boost sexual drive, improve prostate health, fight off cancer and enhance mood and well-being. These powerful ingredients also boost metabolism, blood flow and cardiovascular health, and may help to relieve erectile dysfunction (ED) symptoms.

The Magic of Ashwagandha, Acetyl L-Carnitine and Selenium for Men’s Health.

The Vitality & Wellness Formula centers around a powerful trinity of supportive supplements—Ashwagandha, Acetyl L-Carnitine and Selenium.

Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) Root Extract, also known as Indian ginseng, is a key ingredient in this supplement. This natural herb is found in India, Africa and the Middle East, and it is a tonic and revitalizer that helps the body cope with stress. Its unique properties give you energy and focus, and it has a calming effect. Clinical studies show that Ashwagandha may help control blood sugar, reduce blood pressure, enhance mood and improve overall well-being, in addition to promoting cognitive function. [1]

In addition, research has found that Ashwagandha can boost the hormone testosterone and increase male fertility, and may increase strength and muscle mass. [2]

Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALCAR) is a brain-supporting super antioxidant that fuels the mitochondrion, which cells use to create energy. It also promotes the biosynthesis of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter for brain and nerve function. L-Carnitine metabolizes fats, improves athletic performance and cardiovascular health and helps with motivation. For these reasons, this supplement is highly beneficial prior to physical workouts. [3]

Selenium has been shown to be one of the most important elements for prostate health. Studies indicate that selenium, like zinc, preserves skin elasticity and improves the oxygen supply to the heart.

Other Super Antioxidants for Optimal Health

In addition to ashwagandha and ALCAR, our Vitality & Wellness supplement contains an army of other super antioxidants, the benefits of which are well documented. Antioxidants stabilize free radicals, by-products which are produced in the body through various processes and which we are bombarded with by pollution, UV exposure, tobacco smoke and industrial chemicals. When the level of free radicals become too great for the body to handle, oxidative stress can occur, which is a strong contributor to aging and diseases such as cancer. This is why antioxidants are so very important for good health.

Zinc is a key element for prostate health and for the synthesis of testosterone, the male hormone that is critical for muscle health, bone strength and overall energy. [4]

Vitamins B1 (Thiamin), B2 (Riboflavin) and B6 (Pyridoxine) work together to convert the carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and sugar in our food into energy. They enhance the immune system and boost one’s energy level, as well as alleviate muscle cramps and treat acne. They’re also essential in the creation of new red blood cells. [5] Research has shown that vitamin B6 may reduce the risk of heart disease. [6]

Niacin (Vitamin B3) has been found to lower cholesterol and lipid levels, reducing erectile dysfunction, especially in men over 50 with high cholesterol. [7]

B12/Folate is added to our formula for greater energy and endurance.

They’re extremely important for cognitive function, energy metabolism and cardiovascular and nerve health. Vitamin B and folate are also essential in producing red blood cells.

Vitamin C is another important ingredient. In addition to its inherent benefits for health, its antioxidant effect protects the formula from becoming oxidized over time. It behaves as a natural preservative.

Vitamin D3 regulates mood, alleviates depression and boosts immune system response. Studies have linked erectile dysfunction symptoms to a vitamin D deficiency. [8]

Vitamin E is the king of antioxidants. It treats erectile dysfunction by boosting testosterone. It also lowers prolactin and estrogen, which negatively affect erectile function and libido.

Other Supportive Vitamins and Minerals

In addition to the key ingredient, other vitamins and minerals have been added to create a balanced formula to enhance your health.

Pantothenic acid (B5) is combined with other B vitamins to form a balanced B complex formulation. B5 aids in the production of red blood cells as well as sex and stress-related hormones. It also supports the digestive tract. [9]

Biotin (B3) plays a role in metabolizing protein, fat and carbohydrates, in addition to improving the health of skin, nails and hair.

Calcium works along with the other ingredients in our formula to help erectile dysfunction prescription drugs work more effectively. Calcium also supports muscular, vascular and cardiac health.

Copper, a trace mineral, plays an important role in red blood cell production and in maintaining healthy nerve cells. It’s essential in immune system function and the absorption of iron in addition to collagen and energy production.

Learn more information about our Vitality & Wellness Supplement at VALUE Trade!

Supplement for men.

Powering supplement.

Brain supplement.

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Empower Your Workout with VH-PRE Supplement

The revolutionary VH-PRE bodybuilding formula combines ingredients proven through scientific research to support and strengthen the body’s ability to perform at the highest levels. VH-PRE workout Supplement has been carefully formulated to support and improve the body’s natural functions, with individual supplements working synergistically for greater effectiveness.

Workout with VH-PRE  Supplement– A Powerful Fusion for Peak Performance
VH-PRE Supplement contains proprietary blends of key ingredients for bodybuilding, development of muscle mass, boosting neuro-muscular energy and enhancing cardiovascular health. These powering supplements are combined in a balanced way into a single formula designed by our resident scientists to enhance physical and mental performance.

Testosterone Booster and Nitric Oxide (NO) Releaser
L-Citrulline and L-Arginine.

L-citrulline and l-arginine enhance muscle blood flow during exercise (1). This improves exercise tolerance and triggers the release of the human growth hormone (HGH) required for muscle growth and muscle mass development (2).

Neuromuscular Energy Booster Blend

Ashwagandha Root Extract and Panax Ginseng.
Ashwagandha is especially beneficial for athletes, as it increases energy, optimizes the hormone profile, improves endurance and reduces recovery time between training sessions (3). This powerful antioxidant boosts the immune system and enhances performance. Panax ginseng stimulates the body, increasing energy and motivation.

L-Theanine and Caffeine.

L-theanine targets and intensifies caffeine’s stimulant properties. This combination boosts cognition and lengthens the effects of energy and concentration (4). It also improves focus, motivation, endurance, stamina and strength.

Choline (Alpha-GPS AlphaSize®).

Alpha-GPC provides one of the highest absorption rates of all forms of choline (40%) and it is the most effective at crossing the blood-brain barrier. Choline improves growth hormone levels and the ability of the body to burn fat. It has a positive effect on cardiovascular health, inflammation, cancer risk, psychological state, learning and memory, in addition to exercise endurance. (5)

Proprietary Muscle Mass Blend

Accelerates muscle growth. It controls the level of carnosine in the muscles, which counteracts acidity and lets you push your muscles harder and longer with less fatigue (6).


Improves workout performance by protecting muscle cells from oxidative stress, by removing muscle cell waste during exercise (7). It also prevents muscle damage and soreness from exercise (8) and can improve athletes’ fat burning by 16% (9).


Increases athletic performance, metabolizes fat, helps recovery, keeps you motivated, burns visceral fats and improves cardiovascular and skin health. (10)


Enhances muscle growth by signaling key biological pathways directly in the muscle tissue. It also helps increase muscle mass. (11, 12)

B12/Folate is added to our formula for greater energy and endurance. They’re extremely important for cognitive function, energy metabolism and cardiovascular and nerve health. Vitamin B and folate are also essential in producing red blood cells.

Vitamin C is another important ingredient. In addition to its inherent benefits for health, its antioxidant effect protects the formula from becoming oxidized over time. It behaves as a natural preservative.

Vitamin D3 regulates mood, alleviates depression and boosts immune system response. Studies have linked erectile dysfunction symptoms to a vitamin D deficiency. [8]

Vitamin E is the king of antioxidants. It treats erectile dysfunction by boosting testosterone. It also lowers prolactin and estrogen, which negatively affect erectile function and libido.

Body Oxygenation and Boosting Metabolism

A Blend of Vitamins and Electrolytes for Cardiovascular Health:
Magnesium (as magnesium oxide), Potassium (as potassium chloride), Calcium (as calcium oxide), Iodine (as potassium iodide), Vitamin D, Thiamine HCl (vitamin B1), Niacin (Vitamin B3), Pyridoxine HCl (Vitamin B6), Folic acid, Cyanocobalamin HCl (vitamin B12) and Pantothenic acid.

Essential Amino Acids (EEAs) and Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs):
Branched Chain Amino Acids (Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine) are essential for muscle fuel, recovery and growth.

BCAA helps to build and maintain muscles, and it increases metabolism. These three BCAAs work independently and synergistically to build and repair muscle tissue.

Leucine – stimulates muscle protein synthesis for muscle growth

Isoleucine – when broken down, it produces muscle fueling molecules

Valine – reduces fatigue post-exercise; minimizes the brain’s tryptophan uptake.

BCAAs also positively affect hormones (13).

Learn more about VH-PRE workout supplement at Value Health Products.

Pre-workout supplement.

Powering supplement.

Workout supplements.


1. Tschakovsky, Michael E and Joyner, Michael J. (2008, March). Nitric Oxide and Muscle Blood Flow in Exercise. Retrieved from

2. Zajac, Adam; Poprzęcki, Stanisław; Żebrowska, Aleksandra; Chalimoniuk, Małgorzata and Langfort, Jozef (2010, April). Arginine and Ornithine Supplementation Increases Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Serum Levels After Heavy-Resistance Exercise in Strength-Trained Athletes. Retrieved from

3. Shenoy, Schweta; Chaskar, Udesh; Sandhu, Jaspal S. and Paadhi, Madan Mohan (2012, Oct-Dec). Effects of eight-week supplementation of Ashwagandha on cardiorespiratory endurance in elite Indian cyclists. Retrieved from

4. Owen, GN; Parnell, H; De Bruin, EA and Rycroft, JA (2008, Aug). The combined effects of L-theanine and caffeine on cognitive performance and mood. Retrieved from

5. Marcus, Lena; Soileau, Jason; Judge, Lawrence W. and Bellar, David (2017, Oct 5). Evaluation of the effects of two doses of alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine on physical and psychomotor performance. Retrieved from

6. Artioli, GG; Gualano, B; Smith, A; Stout, J and Lancha, AH Jr. (2010, Jun). Role of beta-alanine supplementation on muscle carnosine and exercise performance. Retrieved from

7. Zhang, Zeyu; Liu, Dan; Yi, Bo; Liao, Zhangping; Tang, Lei; Yin, Dong and He, Ming (2014, Sep 5). Taurine supplementation reduces oxidative stress and protects the liver in an iron-overload murine model. Retrieved

8. McLeay, Yanita; Stannard, Stephen and Barnes, Matthew (2017, Oct). The Effect of Taurine on the Recovery from Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Males. Retrieved from

9. Rutherford, JA; Spriet, LL and Stellingwerff, T. (2010, Aug). The effect of acute taurine ingestion on endurance performance and metabolism in well-trained cyclists. Retrieved from

10. Mawer, Rudy, MSc, CISSN (2018, Nov 6). What is L-Carnitine [Blog post]. Retrieved from

11. Mawer, Rudy, MSc, CISSN (2017, May 29). How Creatine Helps You Gain Muscle and Strength [Blog post]. Retrieved from

12. Francaux, M and Poortmans, JR (1999, Jul). Effects of training and creatine supplement on muscle strength and body mass. Retrieved from

13. Sharp, CP and Pearson, DR (2010, Apr). Amino Acid Supplements and Recovery from High-Intensity Resistance Training. Retrieved from

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Recently, l-carnitine has been receiving a major attention by athletes and bodybuilders as an efficient pre-workout supplement since.  It has increasingly been substituted by various types of pre-workout drinks and fat burner products in the market.

For anyone interested in maintaining their health, there are lots of reasons why you need to give L-carnitine a second chance and experience its benefits.

What is L-carnitine?

First things first, let’s delve into the basics of what L-carnitine Pre workout supplement really is and what its functions are in the body. It is an amino acid derivative created in the kidneys and liver. Even though it’s naturally produced by the body, not all the variations of carnitine can be utilized by our bodies.

D-carnitine is the inactive type and L-carnitine is the active type of the amino acid derivative. So what does it do in our bodies that would make its use worthwhile?

1. Fat metabolism

Stimulant supplements function the way the increase the method in which the body burns excess fat. It instructs the adrenal gland to release epinephrine in order to speed up the metabolic rate. This scenario, however, will almost certainly create a number of issues. One of those issues is that the adrenal gland is put under a lot of stress, which increases our brain’s subjective perception of stress. And even worse, it places a big burden on the heart and makes it work harder.

What is it then that makes L-carnitine different from pre-workout containing stimulants? L-carnitine utilizes long chain fatty acids and converts them into energy. That energy is then transferred into the cell’s mitochondria, the cell’s “energy factory”. Increasing L-carnitine levels in our bodies can ultimately help us lose fat.

2. Increases athletic performance

The demographic group that uses pre-workout supplements the most are athletes. Because they stimulate the adrenal gland, they help athletes to train harder during demanding and intense training sessions. Unfortunately, the effect only lasts between 5-15 minutes at best.

L-carnitine has a different method. First of all, it can increase muscle mass. How exactly does it do it? It’s been proven that around 98% of the testosterone in the body has no effect whatsoever on muscle gains. The only effective and useful component is free testosterone. That means that only the remaining 2% of our body’s testosterone can help with muscle gains.

How does L-carnitine help in this regard? It basically increases the utilization of testosterone in our bodies. The supplement increases the number of androgen receptors in the body that can form binding links with free testosterone molecules.

Besides the fact that it helps with building muscle mass, L-carnitine also gives you extra energy which in turn saves your muscle glycogen reserves. And when you are training intensely, L-carnitine can help get rid of the lactate acid build up in the muscles a lot faster. That means less discomfort for you during your training. It has also proven itself to be useful when increasing the workload, which means you can train with higher intensity.

3. Aids in recovery

The most commonly used supplements by bodybuilders when it comes to recovery are whey protein and BCAAs. However, L-carnitine can you with increasing both the short and long term recovery of your body. As we previously mentioned, it can help you clear the buildup of lactate acid in the muscles. It is also capable of giving the muscle fibers a shorter time to recuperate especially after intense training sessions.

And taking into account that it is also capable of increasing free testosterone utilization, it can help your muscle fibers recover at a faster rate after a hard workout.

4. It keeps you motivated

Drinks containing caffeine are the first choice for athletes looking to boost their performance. However, after some time the body get used to the initial dose and will require higher ones as time goes by. Acetyl-L-carnitine, which is another carnitine version, does this in a different manner. It actually helps you to get rid of the buildup of heavy metals in the brain, instead of increasing your adrenaline to keep you motivated and awake.

So, carnitine is capable of not only motivating you and boosting your energy during workouts. It is also helpful in protecting the brain from aging and damages induced by stress. That’s also one of the reasons why it also helps you battle depression. It reduces anxiety and helps improve your mood too.

5. It improves cardiovascular health

Since L-carnitine breaks down long chain fatty acids, it can help you with an improved cardiovascular health and it can also boost your metabolic rate. Studies have shown that Pre workout supplement with carnitine lowers the risk of developing atherosclerosis. It also helps with removing the bad cholesterol from your body which can clog the arteries.

6. It improves your skin

One of the less known benefits of L-carnitine is the benefits it gives to your skin. Supplementing with carnitine reduces the amount of oil created by the skin tissue. Because consuming carnitine increases the levels of fat that are getting into the mitochondria of the cells, the skin releases less oil.

7. Burns visceral fats

Visceral fats are extremely hard to burn off. As soon as you start accumulating them in your body, chances are that you will start experiencing a number of conditions including heart conditions or fatty liver. Increasing the amount of L-carnitine in your body can counteract these conditions.

Studies were done on mice where they were put on a high-fat diet in order to see what the effects are of creatine when it comes to lowering visceral fats. The group taking carnitine had no indications of atherosclerosis or fatty liver.

How to consume more carnitine?

Since we have established all the benefits carnitine supplementation provides, next would be to list all the food products that contain carnitine. The best carnitine sources are low fat pork and lean beef. Ingesting carnitine from whole foods or relying on your body’s own production might not be the best method to experience its benefits optimally. It’s always a good idea to consume it in a supplement form and that goes double for athletes.


The fat loss supplement industry is currently a several billion dollar businesses. People are looking to lose weight in increasing numbers. The industry itself is estimated at around 20 billion dollars a year. However, not all of the fat burning pre workout supplement are as effective as they are advertised. In fact, some of them can harm you in the long run.

That is why supplementing with carnitine has been proven as a viable alternative on the market. It shares a lot of potential benefits with stimulant based supplements, but with improved pharmacokinetics. It does not target the adrenal glands making them increase adrenaline production. Instead, it transfers the stored fast into the cell’s mitochondria.

And on top of it all, it’s not just a regular fat burner supplement. It increases your metabolic rate and can even build muscle mass at the same time. If you are planning on using carnitine, in the long run, it is definitely a good idea.

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workout with VH-Pre
A Comprehensive Pre-workout Formula for Peak Mental & Physical Performance.

Do you want to achieve peak mental and physical performance during and after your bodybuilding training? Whether you’re looking for an energy boost, increased workout strength, a greater training capacity or muscle support, you can get the most from your workout with the right supplementation.The revolutionary workout with VH-PRE bodybuilding supplement combines ingredients proven through scientific research to support and strengthen the body’s ability to perform and achieve at the highest levels. VH-PRE has been carefully formulated to support and improve the body’s natural functions, with the individual supplements working synergistically for greater effectiveness.

VH-PRE: A Powerful Fusion of 4 Proprietary Blends for Peak Performance

VH-PRE contains four proprietary blends of ingredients for bodybuilding, development of muscle mass, boosting neuromuscular energy and enhancing cardiovascular health. These powerful workout VH-Pre supplements are combined in a smart and balanced way into a single formula designed by our resident scientists to enhance physical and mental performance. There is no need to buy individual supplements and not be sure of how they interact — we’ve done the research for you!

Nitric Oxide (NO) Booster & Growth Hormone (HGH) Releaser
L-Citrulline and L-Arginine – Development of Muscle Mass

L-Citrulline and L- Arginine assist in your body’s nitric oxide (NO) production, which is a vasodilator that widens blood vessels and enhances muscle blood flow during exercise (1). This improves exercise tolerance and triggers the release of the human growth hormone required for muscle growth (HGH), resulting in muscle mass development (2).

Neuromuscular Energy and Testosterone Booster Blend

Ashwagandha Root Extract and Panax Ginseng
Panax ginseng stimulates the body, increasing energy and motivation. Ashwagandha is especially beneficial for athletes (3), as it increases energy, optimizes the hormone profile, improves endurance and reduced the recovery time between training sessions. This powerful antioxidant also boosts the immune system and enhances performance.

L-Theanine and Caffeine

L-Theanine is a potent cognitive enhancer that specifically targets and intensifies caffeine’s stimulant properties. The combination of caffeine and L-theanine boosts cognition and lengthens the effects of energy and concentration (4). L-theanine can be considered a caffeine enhancer. Having the two elements together provides outstanding benefit, if you have trouble focusing or staying motivated during a tough training session. It also improves endurance, stamina and strength.

Choline (Alpha-GPS AlphaSize®)

Alpha-GPC provides one of the highest absorption rates of all forms of choline (40%) and it is the most effective at crossing the blood-brain barrier. It has been found that choline improves growth hormone levels and the ability of the body to burn fat. Adequate choline in the body has a positive effect on cardiovascular health, inflammation, cancer risk, psychological state, learning and memory, in addition to exercise endurance. (5)

Proprietary Muscle Mass Blend

accelerates muscle growth. It does so by controlling the the level of carnosyn in the muscles, which counteracts acidity and lets you push your muscles harder and longer with less fatigue (6). Build more muscle in less time with proper carnosyn regulation.


improves workout VH-Pre performance by protecting muscle cells from oxidative stress, by removing muscle cell waste during exercise (7). It also prevents muscle damage and soreness from exercise (8) and can improve athletes’ fat burning by 16% (9).


has many benefits. It increases athletic performance, metabolizes fat, helps recovery, keeps you motivated, burns visceral fats and improves cardiovascular health as well as your skin (10).


enhances muscle growth by signaling key biological pathways directly in the muscle tissue. It also helps increase muscle mass. (11, 12)

For Body Oxygenation & Boosting Metabolism
A Blend of Vitamins and Electrolytes for Cardiovascular Health:

Magnesium (as magnesium oxide),

Potassium (as potassium chloride),

Calcium (as calcium oxide),

Iodine (as potassium iodide),

Vitamin D,

Thiamine HCl (vitamin B1),

Niacin (Vitamin B3),

Pyridoxine HCl (Vitamin B6),

Folic acid,

Cyanocobalamin HCl (vitamin B12), and Pantothenic acid.

Essential Amino Acids (EEAs) & Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

Branched Chain Amino Acids (Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine) are essential for muscle fuel, recovery and growth. BCAA helps to build and maintain muscles, and it increases metabolism. These three BCAAs work independently and synergistically to build and repair muscle tissue.

Leucine –

Stimulates muscle protein synthesis for muscle growth,

Leucine –

Stimulates muscle protein synthesis for muscle growth,

Isoleucine –

When broken down, it produces muscle fueling molecules,

Valine –

Reduces fatigue post-exercise; minimizes the brain’s tryptophan uptake.

BCAAs also positively affect hormones according to studies (13).

Bodybuilding supplement.
Powering supplement.
workout supplement.

1. Tschakovsky, Michael E and Joyner, Michael J. (2008, March). Nitric Oxide and Muscle Blood Flow in Exercise. Retrieved from

2. Zajac, Adam; Poprzęcki, Stanisław; Żebrowska, Aleksandra; Chalimoniuk, Małgorzata and Langfort, Jozef (2010, April). Arginine and Ornithine Supplementation Increases Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Serum Levels After Heavy-Resistance Exercise in Strength-Trained Athletes. Retrieved from

3. Shenoy, Schweta; Chaskar, Udesh; Sandhu, Jaspal S. and Paadhi, Madan Mohan (2012, Oct-Dec). Effects of eight-week supplementation of Ashwagandha on cardiorespiratory endurance in elite Indian cyclists. Retrieved from

4. Owen, GN; Parnell, H; De Bruin, EA and Rycroft, JA (2008, Aug). The combined effects of L-theanine and caffeine on cognitive performance and mood. Retrieved from

5. Marcus, Lena; Soileau, Jason; Judge, Lawrence W. and Bellar, David (2017, Oct 5). Evaluation of the effects of two doses of alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine on physical and psychomotor performance. Retrieved from

6. Artioli, GG; Gualano, B; Smith, A; Stout, J and Lancha, AH Jr. (2010, Jun). Role of beta-alanine supplementation on muscle carnosine and exercise performance. Retrieved from

7. Zhang, Zeyu; Liu, Dan; Yi, Bo; Liao, Zhangping; Tang, Lei; Yin, Dong and He, Ming (2014, Sep 5). Taurine supplementation reduces oxidative stress and protects the liver in an iron-overload murine model. Retrieved

8. McLeay, Yanita; Stannard, Stephen and Barnes, Matthew (2017, Oct). The Effect of Taurine on the Recovery from Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Males. Retrieved from

9. Rutherford, JA; Spriet, LL and Stellingwerff, T. (2010, Aug). The effect of acute taurine ingestion on endurance performance and metabolism in well-trained cyclists. Retrieved from

10. Mawer, Rudy, MSc, CISSN (2018, Nov 6). What is L-Carnitine [Blog post]. Retrieved from

11. Mawer, Rudy, MSc, CISSN (2017, May 29). How workout with VH-pre & Creatine Helps You Gain Muscle and Strength [Blog post]. Retrieved from

12. Francaux, M and Poortmans, JR (1999, Jul). Effects of training and creatine supplement on muscle strength and body mass. Retrieved from

13. Sharp, CP and Pearson, DR (2010, Apr). Amino Acid Supplements and Recovery from High-Intensity Resistance Training. Retrieved from

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Vitamin D and Calcium: Numerous observational studies have found supplemental calcium and vitamin-D to be associated with reduced risk of common cancers. However, interventional studies to test this effect are lacking.

A randomized, placebo controlled, clinical study was conducted in 2007 on 1180 women to determine the efficacy of calcium alone and calcium plus vitamin-D in reducing incident cancer rist of all types. The outcome of the study indicated that improving calcium and vitamin D nutritional status substantially reduces all-cancer risk in postmenopausal women.

This trial was registered at as NCT00352170. The study was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The link to the trial:

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As we get older, it’s normal for our skin to gradually lose its elasticity and thin out. This is part of the skin’s natural aging process. However, there are a variety of factors that can cause the skin to start aging at an accelerated rate. A big part of this “premature skin aging” is a result of free radical activity in the body.

Free radicals are molecules that are produced by environmental exposures like tobacco smoke and radiation, including radiation from the sun and other sources of UV rays, including tanning beds. Free radicals are also produced when your body breaks down food.

Antioxidants are naturally occurring substances that may provide protection against the effects of damaging free radicals on the cells in your body, including your skin. Antioxidant ingredients are already promoted in a number of skin care products available both over-the-counter and by prescription, and are being actively studied in clinical trials for a variety of medicinal uses.

Nine antioxidants to look for when choosing a skincare product:
1. Vitamin E

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is an antioxidant that is present in the skin and found in various foods, such as vegetables, seeds and meat. (1) It helps the skin look younger by boosting collagen production and in turn reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. (2, 3)

Unlike other vitamins, skin derives more of its benefits from vitamin E better through topical treatments than through oral supplements. Vitamin E is available in two forms: alpha-tocopherol (alcohol-based) and alpha-tocopherol acetate. The latter does not penetrate the skin as easily, so make sure you’re reading the labels closely to get maximum benefit of the vitamin E.

2. Lycopene

Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, is a carotenoid found in red fruits and vegetables. (4) It is, in fact, responsible for their red color. In addition to being a healthy choice for your diet, it’s a great choice for improving skin texture because it promotes collagen production and reduces the DNA damage that leads to wrinkles. (5) To get the most benefit from this powerful antioxidant, you can either take a daily supplement or look for skin care products that contain it in topical formulas (lycopene is easily absorbed by the skin).

3. Green Tea

Green Tea has become one of the new age food heroes — a helpful ally in preventing everything from heart disease and cancer to skin aging and weight gain. The full range of heath benefits may take decades to define, but research on its impact on human skin is reasonably well developed. The secret ingredients are chemicals called catechins, which are antioxidants that can clear cell damage on the skin and repair wrinkles, blemishes or other impurities. (6) When applied to the skin, green tea can reduce sun damage by reducing inflammation and tackling free radicals. (7) (It doesn’t block UV rays.) When choosing a tea, its helpful to know that green tea has over five times the amount of catechins as black tea. (8)

4. Coffee Berry

As an ingredient in anti-aging formulas, coffee berry prevents collagen damage, reduces wrinkles and protects the skin against damage. (9) It also has anti-inflammatory properties (10), which can lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, leading to more youthful looking skin.

5. Resveratrol

The antioxidant resveratrol is compound that is commonly found in grapes, nuts, fruits, and red wine, among others. (11) Separate studies have shown that when topically applied, resveratrol protects against UVB-mediated cutaneous damage and inhibits UVB-mediated oxidative stress. (12-14)

6. Grape Seed

Grape seed is extracted from vitis vinifera and is rich in proanthocyanidins, which belong to the flavonoid family. Proanthocyanidins are potent antioxidants with strong free radical scavenging activities. (15) Grape seed extract has been shown to be an even stronger scavenger of free radicals than vitamins C and E. (16)

7. Genistein

Genistein is an isoflavone derived from soybeans with the capacity to inhibit UV-induced oxidative DNA damage. (17) Genistein, either topically applied or orally supplemented, was shown to effectively protect human skin against UVB-induced skin photodamage.

8. Niacinamide

Niacinamide (vitamin B3) is a powerful antioxidant that has shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory and depigmenting properties. It has also shown to improve the texture and tone of the skin, as well as reduce fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. (18)

9. Vitamin C

Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is an essential nutrient that can only come from the healthy fruits and vegetables that contain it. Vitamin C is usually touted for its cold-fighting power, but it’s also under study for its impact on preventing and reversing aging skin.

It works in two ways: as an antioxidant, as well as a booster of collagen formation — both of which are important to preserving and maintaining skin’s youthful appearance. (19-21) However, boosting your intake of vitamin C-rich foods does not appear to impact your skin to any measurable degree, so cosmetic companies are hard at work to study whether it can be absorbed through the skin directly via topical creams and lotions.


1. Nachbar F, Korting HC. The role of vitamin E in normal and damaged skin. J Mol Med 73(1):7-17 (1995 Jan).

2. Mayer P. The effects of vitamin E on the skin. Cosmet Toiletries 108:99 (1993).

3. Chung JH, Seo JY, Lee MK, et al. Ultraviolet Modulation of Human Macrophage Metalloelastase in Human Skin In Vivo. J Invest Dermatol 119(2):507-12 (2002 Aug).

4. Britton G. Structure and properties of carotenoids in relation to function. FASEB J 9(15):1551-8 (1995 Dec).

5. Daniells, Stephen. “Lycopene Supplement Boosts Skin Carotenoid Levels.” 28 Jan, 2010. Web

6. Ehrlich, Steven D. “Green Tea.” University of Maryland Medical Center. Web.

7. Elmets CA, Singh D, Tubesing K, et al. Cutaneous photoprotection from ultraviolet injury by green tea polyphenols. J Am Acad Dermatol 44(3):425-32 (2001 Mar).

8. Lu QY, Jin YS, Pantuck A, Zhang ZF, Heber D, Belldegrun A, Brooks M, Figlin R, Rao J. Green tea extract modulates actin remodeling via Rho activity in an in vitro multistep carcinogenic model. Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Feb 15;11(4):1675-83. (2005.)

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Effect Of Acute DHEA

Effect of acute DHEA: Millions of men struggle silently with a low sex drive and/or erectile dysfunction (ED), an issue that is so closely tied to masculinity and self-worth. Over the years, doctors talk to countless men in their functional medicine clinics and they have to drag the subject out of them, to find out if it’s an issue or not. Men will come in to the clinics for other health problems, with no mention of ED or a low libido. It’s not until the doctors dig deeper with the many health questions they ask in functional medicine that they find out about their struggles in the bedroom.

Low libido and ED have everything to do with low testosterone, other symptoms of which include weight gain, irritability, and breast tissue enlargement. If you are going through any of these, consider looking at this list of the top reasons why men could struggle with erectile dysfunction and a low libido:

1. Chronic stress - Effect Of Acute DHEA

We all know stress is not good for our health. (And if you didn’t know, now you do.) You can be eating the cleanest foods on God’s green earth, but if you’re gorging yourself on stress, you are counteracting all the good healthy stuff. One Russian study found that stressors directly affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. In other words, your brain and testicles don’t speak well to each other when you’re stressing.

2. Poor sleep.

Quality, restorative sleep is über-important for your sex drive. One large cohort study found that men with poor sleep habits or health problems like sleep apnea had lower testosterone levels on average.

3. Statin drugs.

Effect Of Acute DHEA: Cholesterol is demonized in mainstream medicine, but it’s crucial for our health. Optimal cholesterol levels are needed for a healthy brain and hormones, which are essential for a healthy sex drive and performance. A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled randomized trials confirmed that cholesterol-lowering statin drugs also lowered testosterone levels, because cholesterol is needed to make testosterone!

4. Over-aromatization.

Did you know that men make estrogen as well? Unlike women, we don’t make our estrogen from our ovaries (for obvious reasons), but in the male body testosterone is converted into estrogen in the liver by an enzyme called aromatase. One common issue found in patients is a hormonal imbalance caused by an over-aromatization of testosterone to estrogen. This over-conversion can be slowed down with aromatase inhibitors. These foods are some of the world’s best down-regulators of aromatase:

Tea (Black or Green)
Red Ginger
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How to Reduce Stress and Slow Aging: Excessive or chronic stress has a detrimental effect on the hormones we need to keep us young. A huge variety of stressors affect us daily, from the noise and pollution of crowded cities to work, driving, lack of sun exposure, loneliness, and much more. When these stressors accumulate, they disrupt the delicate hormone balance that affects everything from how slowly we lose weight to how fast our skin wrinkles.

The effects of stress are often visibly obvious. It is indeed possible to “age overnight” as impaired cellular processes can transform a person with a glowing complexion and energetic demeanor into someone with wrinkled skin, dull eyes, weight gain, and mood swings. Take the stress test included here to determine your stress level—and what you should do about it.

Cortisol: The Stress Hormone
In stressful situations, the brain orders our adrenal glands to secrete two hormones, adrenaline and cortisol. Of the two, cortisol is most concerning from an anti-aging perspective. Cortisol has a natural rhythm throughout the day. Your body should produce more in the morning than in the evening, giving you the energy to begin your day. In the evening, as you leave your daily stresses behind, cortisol levels should drop by 90 percent. However, a recent study found that women who work outside the home and have family responsibilities tend to have elevated evening cortisol levels.

Not all cortisol is bad; in fact, cortisol is essential for regulating many bodily functions, including immune system hormones and the body’s use of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Yet elevated cortisol levels over the long term have been shown to have a long list of negative effects, including: blood sugar problems, fat accumulation, compromised immunity, infertility, exhaustion, chronic fatigue, bone loss, high triglyceride levels, and heart disease. The adrenal glands also grow exhausted and stop functioning properly, which leads to depression, digestive problems, headaches, irritability, poor concentration, and recurring infections.

When cortisol is high, we also see a drop in the production of the anti-aging hormone known as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). We have naturally high levels of DHEA when we are young, but experience a steady decline after the age of 20. Low DHEA is associated with loss of muscle mass, strength, and stamina; low sex drive and sleep problems; fatigue, memory decline, and more. If you want to support DHEA production in the body, lowering cortisol is key.

Balance Your Cortisol with Mother Nature
To counteract stress-induced aging, help balance your cortisol levels through a healthy diet that includes nutritional supplements. A cortisol-balancing diet consists of organic fruits and vegetables (7–10 half-cup servings per day), lean proteins, and plenty of unprocessed fats and oils (like olive, coconut, borage, echium, evening primrose, and flax oils). Because it is virtually impossible to obtain all the nutrients we need from the diet alone, you should also supplement with a high-quality multivitamin and mineral formula.

There are certain herbs supported by excellent research indicating their use for cortisol reduction and adrenal fatigue. Adaptogenic herbs that support the adrenal glands and help the body adapt to stress include rhodiola rosea, suma, schizandra berries, and ashwagandha. For best results, look for a herbal formula that contains these in combination. Many people who use adaptogenic herbs report an improved sense of overall well-being within a very short time.

Why wait another day to implement some positive changes in your life? A well-rounded approach to reduce stress and slow aging, cortisol control will leave you looking younger and feeling healthier and more vibrant.

It is also important to lower the amount of stress in your life and to routinely engage in activities that relax the mind and the body. Your mind and body are one unit, interrelated and highly complex. While the mysteries of this connection will likely be studied for many years to come, we know that a positive attitude, good relationships, and contemplative pastimes like yoga and meditation will help reduce stress and return your cortisol levels to normal.

Why wait another day to implement some positive changes in your life? A well-rounded approach to stress and cortisol control will leave you looking younger and feeling healthier and more vibrant.

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